Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thought of the day...

I want Mediocrity!

Here it is as defined by
1 a : the quality or state of being mediocre b : moderate ability or value
2 : a mediocre person

Seriously people, its a two part argument.
Firstly, if being better than Mediocre is just being Outstanding, then let me rule in my Mediocrity!
I dont so much appreciate the word Mediocre, as it has always reminded me of tapioca, but Mediocrity, now thats a word that inspires! It says "Hey, you over there, you the overachiever, here i am not overachieving and im having a good time not doing what you are doing because i...." well you get the jest of the conversation.
Thats argument #1, it just plain sounds better!
Now on to #2
Look at the actual definition, "Moderate ability or value", Hmmm, kinda sounds humbling doesnt it? Sure there are things that we are all good at in fact there are things that we all may excel at, thats not what im trying to get at here. What i want to say is that i want to be humbled by God, i want not only Him to see it but others around me as well, and i want to be it without thinking about it, without trying to strive to be IT.
Heres something to ponder. Think about how you would answer these questions and then think about how Jesus would...

How do you see yourself?
How do you want others to see you?

Im good with having a "moderate ability or value" are you?

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