Monday, November 16, 2009

What can one do with a Blog?

Well, you can do as i do and type out nonsense for days at a time, then forget that you have a Blog and NEVER write there..
You can start a usefull Blog something like and then promptly find that you are spending time doing other things instead of actually Blogging on a site that can make you money...
You can make a picture Blog, these are some of my favorites! Pictures of various "Fails" or of cute cats doing silly things with even more silly captions..
You can dedicate an entire Blog to Real Estate Photos with our friend the White Lawn Chair in them, awesome site FTW...
Oh the Blogging we could do...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Took a week off and this is what im left with?!

Well here i sit typing on the personal confuser while there are 6 count them 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 kids running around both in and out of the house... In fact just now 2 boys ran in the front door, and asked, "hey, whats a good spot to hide?" to which i replied nothing, sheer silence and a deep stare at them, to which they then hurriedly walked away.. AWESOME!
So how did all this start, well i have 2 kids, thats how it started! :]
Anyway, Its a beautiful Saturday afternoon and i just cant bring myself to do anything worthwhile today. I would love to hammer out the basement and get that off my list of "To-Do's" but for some reason i just cant do it. *sigh....
oh well, off to do something less creative than typing on the computer...... yay me.... :/

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

whack a Mac!

So as many of you know, i have recently become a "Mac". After years of hating, i gave under the pressure of receiving one after a loved one passed (my mother in law).
Its just so cute, you want to treat it like one of the family. Ours is a 20 in. iMac and its sooooo shiny...
But alas there are issues that, as a life long PC lover, i cannot get over.
Firstly, the whole no software thing is really starting to bug me... I have always used Quicken for my finances, and the only available quicken for the Mac is 2007 and its $70... seriously $70 for an unsupported piece of software thats 3 years old? come ON!
Games are also kind of available for it, but they are typically $10 more than their PC counterparts.. stupid games..
but for some reason i still like the thing, maybe its the fact that its soooo stinking hard to find out how to change simple things.. maybe its just the challenge its self, i dont know, but i do know i love it!
But for now, shes not the only computer in my house, i still have my PC waiting patiently for the day that Windows 7 will be installed on him so that he can trounce the Mac!
Hold on little buddy hold on...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday morning blues

So here it is monday already... well actually its 12.25 monday morning, but hey whos keeping track...
So what does this week hold in store for me? Not too sure actually, what i do know is that im going to add an additional hour of helping out at my kids school to my already packed schedule. I know, i know im a glutton for punishment, but hey, its my kids, you know?! I spend 2 hours there a week listening to kids in my sons class read to me aloud and now i will spend 3 hours there a week listening to 2 hours of 5th graders reading and 1 hour of 2nd graders reading to me... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
oh well, i like it so eat it! :-]