Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Smoking, not just for the cool kids anymore?

Well, after about 15 years (give or take a year) i have decided that its time for me to start thinking about quitting. This one is a real tough one for me as cigarettes have always been there for me, almost like a best friend (only they are trying to kill me). they have always been there, my grandfathers death, they were at the ready,
at my wedding (left alot outside the church (sorry randy)), at my children’s birth (ok well not technically AT their birth), on long drives to sales call they have always helped me pass the time. but now its time to let them go. the past 3 weeks i have been cutting back and monitoring my smoking Via an excel file, the first 2 weeks just 15 per day (as opposed to the usual 30+), then the past week 10 per day. it is getting easier to go now between smoking but im getting sick of the wait and reward Pavlov system that ive got myself on. i also have drastically cut back my soda intake to 2 32oz Dr. Peppers a day this as opposed to the 10-12 that i was drinking EVERY day! this additional cut back has not helped my copping with smoking but im preparing myself for the big day (T.B.A.). as much as i love smoking i hate it as well (i think any smoker will tell you that), i just hope that its a nice quick death to an old friend!


caparoon said...

Down with stupid smoking! Rock and roll, baby! Whooo!

Although I can totally understand how it would be entertaining.

And also, dual monitors rule.

Perhaps we should start shopping for a new vice for you. You know, to replace the old one(s).

Hoerman said...

lol, that could work!!!